
Get Long-Term Relief from Lumbar Spinal Stenosis with Vertiflex®

Aug 15, 2024
Get Long-Term Relief from Lumbar Spinal Stenosis with Vertiflex®
Your world is getting increasingly smaller thanks to debilitating lumbar spinal stenosis. But what can you do to be able to move again without pain? It may be time to check out Vertiflex®. Keep reading!

It started as localized pain in your lower back that went away after you hunched forward and moved around a little. These days, your lumbar spinal stenosis is significantly impacting your life, as you’re barely able to walk without debilitating pain. While it started in your lower back, it’s now extending into your buttocks and leg.

Lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) is common, especially among older demographics — 11% of older adults in the United States show evidence of LSS. This fairly large prevalence means that spine experts like Dr. Amanda Fernandez, Dr. Peter Fernandez, and our team at Sunshine Spine and Pain Specialists, PLLC, have ample experience treating LSS. 

One of the best tools for relieving problematic LSS is the Vertiflex procedure, which can provide long-term relief from your back and leg pain.

LSS — when your spinal nerves are compressed

Lumbar spinal stenosis is a condition in which the spinal canal — the primary passageway for your peripheral nerves — narrows. 

More specifically, 31 pairs of spinal nerves exit your spinal canal and branch out to create your peripheral nervous system. In your lower back, you have five lumbar nerve pairs and five sacral pairs, and one or more of these nerves are usually involved when you have symptomatic LSS. 

The narrowing in your spinal canal occurs over time due to degenerative changes, such as extra bone growth or a thickening in the ligaments that support your spine. As a result, your once roomier spinal canal becomes more crowded, compressing some highly sensitive nerve roots.

In turn, the nerve compression can lead to pain in your lower back, as well as symptoms that travel down the nerve and into your lower extremities, such as pain, numbness, and tingling.

Creating more space with Vertiflex

LSS is a leading reason why people consider spine surgeries in the United States. At our practice, our goal is to avoid invasive spine surgery. That’s why we offer minimally invasive techniques like Vertiflex.

With Vertiflex, we place a spacer between the vertebral bones at the back of your spine, where the nerve compression is located, without needing to access your spinal canal. We make only very small incisions in your back and use advanced imaging equipment and specialized tools to place the Vertiflex spacer.

We don’t use general anesthesia when placing the Vertiflex spacer in your back. We usually perform the procedure on an outpatient basis, which means you’re free to recover in the comforts of your own home.

Vertiflex goes the distance in relieving back pain

In the title of this blog, we refer to Vertiflex offering long-term relief for LSS. This has very much been the experience of our patients. Some studies back our results up — in one study, researchers found that 84% of patients experienced clinical success at the 5-year mark.

So, if you’re dealing with LSS that’s taken over your life, we recommend coming to see us to discuss your pain relief options, including the innovative Vertiflex procedure. 

To get started, please contact our Sarasota, Florida, office by calling 941-867-7463 or you can use our online booking request form.